Friday, July 29, 2011

Too Long Waiting

Been very busy... almost 6 months had passed, but both the thesis and this blog is far from being in a satisfactory condition.

Sold my Bigmo (Sigma 150 - 500) on March, and then only realized that the Japan Tsunami  had effects on Canon Lens business. And that left me without long eyes for almost 6 months or so. No lens means i can concentrate on thesis writing but hell NO!!!!!!!. Thesis writing is so damn a slow process and it pulls me to a complete stops every now and then. When ever it stop, the struggle to go back rolling is so hard. To get the ball rolling is the hardest, but to make it stop is never too hard.

Get me-self a brand New Canon 400mm f5.6L just yesterday. and these are a few that makes me fall in love with this simple lens.


 Near my home 

 Bukit Ekspo, UPM 

Bukit Ekspo, UPM  

Bukit Ekspo, UPM  

 Seremban 2

hmmm... i like

will write again soon.