Saturday, February 12, 2011

First Entry

After six months of searching and shooting, plus hundreds hour visiting other similar subject from different bloggers, here i am. just found the gut to try and put it into words and trying to freeze and save the moments they share with us here. In this campus, be a part and not a part of us all, everyday.

Really not sure how to start, but if my supervisor found that i launch this blog, in the middle of thesis writing period, i am dead, unless i can prove to them, both are coming very well, the thesis and the blog.

Not so many species for a starter.

Burung Botak Padi/Burung Upeh Sawah @ Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala).

This species is totally protected under act 76/72, PERHILITAN, Malaysia. Status near threaten. Picture taken at the pond in Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, my favorite birding site. Those who want to enjoy the view/take picture of these birds and their habitat and their feeding habits, the best place is from the back road leading to the back gate.  Use long and fast lens to capture the moment especially when they are airborne or landing.

Thats it for a starter.

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