Thursday, February 24, 2011

The new comer: Species 2 - Puchong Bendang @ Cinnamon Bittern (Ixobrychus cinnamomeus)

As usual, the pond behind my faculty is my favorite spot for birding.  Either i take picture shots of the birds (usually painted stork) or just stop by near the not-so-automated gate to watch them. Feels like a must do thing everyday, except that if its raining upon arrival.

This morning, as usual, theres plenty of storks, feeding, hunting, or just stood still in the muddy water. There`s also a White Throated Kingfisher doing some acrobatic move in catching its prey quite a distance away from where i park my car.

As I were about to move, i saw something orangy moving in the bushy area of Paku Rawan (Limnocharis flava) plant. Took out my bino, and look. haha. It is something new, an additional member to the pond community. It is a Cinnamon Bittern hiding in that area, hunting for prey. As quickly as possible, i set up my gear and klik klik.

Here it is. A handsome male Puchong Bendang @ Cinnamon Bittern (Ixobrychus cinnamomeus)

Its not easy to get this species due to its habit as a shy bird.  Cinnamon Bitterns hunt small fish, frogs and invertebrates. They are secretive birds and are hard to spot because of their supreme camouflage.

more info  from

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